"Quatervois" out now!
"Quatervois" out now!
Definition: (n) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one’s life.
I’ve been hesitant for too long.
This year I have often thought about how there are so many things I want to explore, pursue, and work on developing, but I’ve also felt tied down by the constraints of time.
There’s a space between where I am and where I want to be; a space where I feel afraid to climb because I believe I’ll have further to fall.
I’ve been thinking about what it means to be happy, I’ve been reading about it too, especially from the book 101 Essays To Change The Way You Think which truly changed my perspective on the control I have in my life. The most inspiring takeaway I got from this book was that people are often afraid of striving for greater things that would increase their happiness, because there is a certain amount of happiness that people become accustomed to and if they begin to surpass that capacity, then they may subconsciously self-sabotage.
I’ve figured out the hard way that self-growth always comes down to allowing yourself to be vulnerable and taking responsibility for your fulfillment in life, which can be paralyzing at times but also yields life changing rewards.
Each song in this EP is a journey of what I learned to accept and move on from this year, for most of that time I was in a low tide where I began to lose grip of my love for making music and it was comparable to the feeling of drifting out of love with someone.
Then the music found me,
and I found myself in my quatervois.
“Indigo” is often used to describe a child who doesn’t fit in with the rest of society because of their hyper-awareness of their surroundings.
Indigos often feel out of place when they are young because they are more independent, intelligent, and emotionally mature than other people their age. While this can cause problems early on, generally Indigos figure out how to cope even if still feeling a little bit like an outsider.
Indigos are critical of everything including themselves. They’re very empathetic and sensitive and can see people's true intentions better than most. Indigos are also curious, independent, open-minded and artistic. Indigo children want to understand everything. They can’t stop asking why. While others will accept a simple answer, Indigos want to dig below the surface until they truly understand the thing in question.
My debut album is named Indigo because it shares my struggles and realizations with being an Indigo person among people I don’t fit in with. Each song tells a story of the different waves I’ve experienced while learning to cope with being different.
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